Small Chunk Of Tire Sidewall Missing.

If your car tire has a sidewall missing, is it possible for you to continue driving? The answer is yes if the tire isn’t visibly punctured. However, if the tire has a visible hole in it, then you’re going to want to deal with that issue before continuing on your trip.

However, many different options are available if you don’t feel safe trying to drive down the road with just one remaining side of a tire. 

First, of course, you can always call a roadside assistance company and have them help you out. You can also choose to carry on your journey or find a safe place to pull over and repair your tire.

That brings us to the question at hand: what should you do if your sidewall is missing? The answer will be different depending on the size of the hole, as well as how much of your tire is still intact. 

If only one side of the tire is removed, then you’ll want to determine whether or not you can safely continue down the road before calling for help.

Table of Contents

Why Is There A Small Piece Of Tire Sidewall Missing?

There are various reasons why your small piece of the tire can go missing, such as hitting a side rock or accident while driving, driving off-road, or frequently driving on rough roads. 

These are all situations where the sidewall is being flexed abnormally and weakened by difficult driving conditions. There are many reasons for missing chunks from the sidewall tires. 

Some of the common causes and solutions to this problem are:

  • Driving Off Roads

One of the most common causes for missing chunks from the sidewall tires is driving off-road. This leads to intense wear and tear on your tire, which can cause it to come apart at its seams as well as cut into its interior. Driving over rough terrains such as gravel or mud will eventually lead to this damage as well.

  • Hitting With Curb While Driving

Another possible reason why you may be missing chunks from the sidewall tires is if you hit a curb while driving.

Hitting the curb could cause you to lose control of your car, and this could, in turn, lead to missing chunks from the sidewall tires as well. 

  • Driving Too Fast

If you drive faster than the speed that is recommended, then your tires might have a harder time maintaining their tread as well. When this happens, it is much more likely that you will end up with missing chunks from the sidewall tires. 

There are also less frequent causes of missing a small piece of the sidewall, including manufacturing defects, improper installation in the factory, or corrosion in between metal seats or wires that create serious vibrations in certain driving conditions.

The most important step to take when repairing any tire with a missing chunk of the sidewall is to make sure you have an accurate measurement of how big the hole is. 

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Is It Safe To Drive On A Tire With A Chunk Missing?

The answer to that question is a resounding yes, as long as you have a spare tire on your car. The missing piece of chunk won’t do instant damage, but it can damage the tire in the long term if you don’t repair it. 

The missing chunk would mean that you would have less traction than without any damage. But this does not mean that you do not need to repair it.

It is suggested it is better to take your car for the service to get it fixed. However, some people would argue that it’s always better to be safe than sorry, and they may be right when it comes down to it. 

There are three main reasons you can drive on the exact tire with a chunk missing. The first one is because all the power of your car’s brakes will be transferred to the remaining portion of your tire, which will help your vehicle slow down.

The second reason is that there shouldn’t be enough space for air to get into that piece of metal lying in there, so it’s less likely for you to have a flat as well.

Finally, yet again, this shouldn’t injure or damage other parts of your car at that instant moment.

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How Can I Prevent Sidewall Tire Damage?

You can avoid your car from getting sidewall tire damage if you prevent going out on rough roads and with potholes. Also, maintain your tire pressure to avoid any more damage. 

The best way to prevent sidewall damage is to avoid driving on roads with debris and potholes, but that’s not always possible, especially in the winter months. 

If you have no other choice, follow these tips to protect your sidewalls and help your tires last longer. To help avoid sidewall damage in these cases, make sure you give your tires a hearty shake every time before driving to remove any loose objects that may be hiding in the tread. 

This will not only prevent small pebbles from becoming lodged in the tire, but it’ll also help to clear larger pieces of debris because shaking creates vibrations that loosen material. 

If you see a pothole or object on the road ahead, slow down and proceed with caution, this will give your tires more time to react to changes in terrain and allow them to adapt accordingly. 

A sudden impact with the object could potentially damage the sidewalls, particularly if you’re driving at high speed. 

A common cause of sidewall tire damage is running over sharp objects such as broken bottles, stones, and other debris. This can create a sharp edge that cuts into the rubber and compromises the structural integrity. 

If possible, check your tires for any obvious signs of sidewall damage before you drive and take extra care not to run over any foreign objects. 

If you already have a tire that has been damaged in this way, visiting an automotive technician may be necessary.

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